CRC was developed as a direct result of the owner’s history and experience in contracting since 1972. It has been long over due the need to consolidate the needs and resources the contractor could use to become more efficient and affective in applying their trade.
Still today trying to find an insurance company that will write you insurance requires several phone calls to find one or an attorney that can write a contract for you that will have all the State required paragraphs is few and far between and again requires numerous phone calls. With CRC these and many other resources will be there for you. You won’t have to look to far anymore.
CRC will also work with your resources to better serve you. Encourage them to offer CRC members discounted services and format services to your specific needs.
Michael Aus has been into contracting and general contracting since 1972, with teams of electricians, plumbing and HVAC contractors and employees doing roofing to painting, new construction and general remodeling. Mr. Aus also offered planning, drafting and design by his own hand and site development. His experience has been the main influence in the design and goal of this website. He invites and encourages you to become part of this vast team and sign up. He awaits your suggestions and input.
Thank you, The CRC team.
If your personal or business information changes, please email us with the new information at
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